Commercial Real Estate Financing

Do You Need a Different Type of Commercial Real Estate Financing?

At Big Mountain Capital, we’re experts in commercial real estate financing. This means that business owners can find many more loan types than traditional financing for real estate. We have options for small businesses, real estate developers, investment property managers, manufacturing companies, construction businesses and other companies. We invite you to choose the ideal type of commercial real estate loan for your immediate and long-term needs.

Commercial Real Estate Financing for Different Needs

The benefit of working with financing professionals who specialize in real estate is that it opens up the possibilities for getting a significant amount of financing. Thanks to high-net-worth investors, we can back large real estate projects in lucrative areas. We also provide a balance of low interest rates, streamlined approval, generous terms and other specifics that take into account your goals. Here are some of our real estate loan solutions:

  • Equity and mezzanine investments
  • Commercial mortgage-backed securities
  • International financing
  • Construction financing
  • SBA loans
  • Bridge loans
  • Conventional loans

Each of these loan types offers different advantages for business owners. With bridge loans, for example, you can close quickly on valuable properties. Afterward, business owners may transfer the amount to a low-interest term loan, SBA loan or another comfortable loan. At Big Mountain Capital, we customize each loan to the specifics of your business. This can help you obtain advantages such as amortized interest, permanent financing or high LTV rates.

Assistance Choosing the Best Fit

One of the reasons our commercial real estate financing options are so practical is that you have the backing of our team every step of the way. Whether you have decades in a property development business or you’re applying for a business location for the very first time, we can guide you through everything. Our goal is to help you acquire the financing that works best for your company and saves you the most money. To learn more about each option available, contact us right away.